How to perform consolidation accounting with Dynamics GP and Management Reporter
When it comes to Consolidation Accounting in Dynamics GP and Management Reporter, it tends to fall in the “more than one way to skin a cat” category.
While the results are the same, the path to get there varies from simple Excel files to high end consolidation software. The question is what to use to get the desired results. The answer for Dynamics GP and Management Reporter is, “that depends”.
It depends on many factors:
How do I manage separate accounting systems?
What to do with different Chart-of-Accounts logic and segments?
Do you have the option of starting from Scratch on your Chart-of-Accounts?
Is redesigning an existing Chart-of-Accounts an option?
Do you have the option of migrating existing companies to Dynamics GP?
Can you use Excel for consolidation reporting?
Are your consolidation processes SOX compliance?
Do you consolidate by organization structures, lines-of-business, or departments?
Do you have Statutory reporting requirements by country?
Are your functional currencies different from your reporting currencies?
Do you provide budget to actual analysis at the consolidation level?
How do you document and manage eliminations?
No matter the size of the organization, at the end of each accounting period the results of all companies need to be consolidated. The purpose of our “Consolidation Design in Microsoft Dynamics GP and Management Reporter” White Paper is to provide successful design concepts for performing Consolidation Accounting using Microsoft Dynamics GP and Management Reporter.
Microsoft Dynamics GP and Management Reporter can be successfully designed to manage the consolidation process!
Request a free copy of “Consolidation design in Microsoft Dynamics GP® 2013 and Management Reporter® 2012” at Consolidation Design .