How to make a partial payment in Dynamics GP
Partial Payment in Dynamics GP In these challenging times cash management strategies include making a partial payment of a Vendor Invoice. Here is a reminder of how to make a partial payment. How to make a partial payment in Dynamics GP In recent weeks I have had customers ask if they can pay only part of an invoice in Dynamics GP. There are many situations where this is a valid and useful process. The following steps manage the process and keep a good audit trail on all the activity, over time, that fulfill each Vendor Invoice. Partial Payments in Dynamics GP: Build your check...
EFT Vendor in payment window
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What's New in GP 2019 - Visual Cue for EFT Vendors on the Edit Batch Window! When creating a Check Run, knowing if there is an EFT vendor included if good information. It’s a simple new feature but if you are the one doing a check run, a visual cue of EFT Vendors is very helpful. After Dynamics GP 2019 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...
Dynamics GP wrong Invoice Date prevention
When entering an Invoice Date there is no system warning that you are using the wrong date, usually typing in the wrong year. Once the Invoice is posted you cannot change the invoice date (well, easily). Here is a great idea, have a validation on the Invoice Date similar to the Posting Date. Oh, and do not charge me for this! Good news for Dynamics GP 2010 users! There is a new Professional Services Tools Library called “Doc Date Verify”, I like the sound of that. Doc Date Verify (FREE) Available only on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Using Doc Date Verify When Doc Date Verify...
Select Payable Checks using Dates
Computer Checks - Select Payables Checks Select Due Date and Discount Date Cut-offs Overview The Due Date Cutoff and Discount Date Cutoff are used to determine what invoices to include in the check run. If Due Date is selected in the Due Date Cutoff field, all the vouchers for the selected vendors that are due on or before the date specified are included in the batch. To not use a cut-off date, select None. If None is selected, all the vouchers within the vendor and document range selected are included. If a due date cut-off is...
Child Care Payments and other recurring garnishments in Dynamics GP
Setup Dynamics GP to maintain your Account Payable Child Care Payments and other garnishments in a recurring batch with the appropriate frequency. The Check’s remittance advice will list Employee Name, Case #, and Amount. First, in the Payables Management Setup Window, select Allow Duplicate Invoices Per Vendor: Recurring Transactions Only, Tools>>Setup>>Purchasing>>Payables. Create a recurring batch for all garnishments with the appropriate frequency, weekly, monthly, etc.. In the Payables Transaction Entry window, enter an invoice transaction for each garnishment using the Employee Name in the Description field and the Case # in the Document Number field. Save each...