
Dynamics GP

Sales Invoice Batch Transfer

  Is there a way to select a group of invoices that are saved in one sales batch and move them to another without having to do so one by one? Managing unposted Sales Invoices using Batch IDs is very effective in Dynamics GP.  When it comes time to transfer Sales Invoices from one Batch ID to another the process can be tedious having to do one invoice at a time.  A better way would be to pull up all invoices in one batch and select the ones that should move to another Batch ID, hit a button, and they all move...

Date options in SmartLists

  System enhancements - Date options in SmartLists With these new search options, users do not need to change dates in search criteria. The Dynamics GP system date is set to November 11, 2019 Prior Month – all values from October 1-31 Prior Period – all values from 1st day of the previous period to last day based on period setup Next Month – all values from December 1-December 31 Next Period – all values from 1st day of the next period to the last day based on period setup [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

How to make a partial payment in Dynamics GP

  Partial Payment in Dynamics GP In these challenging times cash management strategies include making a partial payment of a Vendor Invoice. Here is a reminder of how to make a partial payment. How to make a partial payment in Dynamics GP In recent weeks I have had customers ask if they can pay only part of an invoice in Dynamics GP. There are many situations where this is a valid and useful process. The following steps manage the process and keep a good audit trail on all the activity, over time, that fulfill each Vendor Invoice. Partial Payments in Dynamics GP: Build your check...

Remote Assist Securely for Free

Remotely Assist Securely and for Free! Many of us are suddenly supporting a large number of remote computer users, whether they be employees, customers, or friends and family.  There are a number of commercial choices out there like Teams and Zoom, but a hidden gem is included with every copy of Windows 10.  It's called "Quick Assist". Quick Assist isn't a conferencing system or a sophisticated "teams" app, but if you need to provide remote assistance to someone over the phone and have access to their computer, then it can help you in a pinch.  It behaves well with multiple monitor setups...

EFT Vendor in payment window

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What's New in GP 2019 - Visual Cue for EFT Vendors on the Edit Batch Window! When creating a Check Run, knowing if there is an EFT vendor included if good information. It’s a simple new feature but if you are the one doing a check run, a visual cue of EFT Vendors is very helpful. After Dynamics GP 2019 [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...