

Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported

It’s time to replace that server that has “just worked” for so many years.  We all have “that” server and most likely it’s running Windows 2003 and you haven’t had to touch it (except Windows Update of course).  Support ended for our beloved server operating system on July 14th, 2015.  With that, there are no longer any security updates and you put your system at risk.  Depending on what your Windows 2003 server is doing, replacing it might not be too big of a deal.  However; if it’s running critical services for your network like Active Directory, DNS, or other services then migration might be a little more tricky.

A lot will depend on the role/s that the server has installed:

  • File Server
  • Web Server
  • Active Directory Server
  • Terminal Services
  • Application Server

And any applications that it may be hosting:

  • SQL Server
  • Exchange Server
  • SharePoint Server
  • Custom Application Server
  • Third Party Application Server

Here are some resources to check out to help you make the right decisions:

Download the Windows 2003 EOL Migration in-depth roadmap.

Read the IDC white paper: Windows_Server_2003_Why_You_Should_Get_Current_IDC_Whitepaper.

Check out the Microsoft Windows 2003 Migration Planning Assistant.

One option to consider, regardless of the role or application is to consider replacing the server hardware with an Azure VM.  Moving to the Azure Cloud can reduce the time to migrate while increasing efficiencies and security.  If you’re interested in finding out more about migrating to Azure or need advice please contact us using the sidebar.  The option we don’t recommend is not doing anything.  Leaving Windows 2003 alone can put your business at risk.