Child Care Payments and other recurring garnishments in Dynamics GP
Setup Dynamics GP to maintain your Account Payable Child Care Payments and other garnishments in a recurring batch with the appropriate frequency. The Check’s remittance advice will list Employee Name, Case #, and Amount.
First, in the Payables Management Setup Window, select Allow Duplicate Invoices Per Vendor: Recurring Transactions Only, Tools>>Setup>>Purchasing>>Payables.
Create a recurring batch for all garnishments with the appropriate frequency, weekly, monthly, etc..
In the Payables Transaction Entry window, enter an invoice transaction for each garnishment using the Employee Name in the Description field and the Case # in the Document Number field. Save each transaction to the recurring Batch ID for garnishments.
When you print checks, the remittance will have the Employee Name, Case # and Amount for each garnishment. You may need to modify your check form to align the fields to print properly on the remittance.
The batch will maintain all payments and you can add or remove employees as needed.
Allowing Duplicate Invoices Per Vendor for recurring transactions keeps the Case # from changing for each payment posting.