
If you could start over with Dynamics GP would your implementation address your current requirements?

How long has it been since you implemented Dynamics GP?  Do you find that your current business processes do not adequately address your current needs?  If you could start over with Dynamics GP would your implementation address what you need today and in the future?

Risk and Cost are very high with finding a new ERP, start with improving what you have, what you know!

A new ERP project adds a significant about of time and energy from your management team along with a high price tag.  Dynamics GP in continually updated with new features and functionality.  A redesign Dynamics GP Pilot allows you to redesign Dynamics GP from scratch.  No software purchase, no learning new software across your entire user base.

If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one - Dolly Parton

Consider the improvements you need in your current Dynamic GP implementation and start the process to redesign your system as if you just purchased new software.  Everything in up for change!

New and improved Dynamics GP:

  • Internal and external Reports and Inquiries
  • Business Intelligence using Power BI linked to GP data
  • Master records cleaned up and modernized
  • Automated Processes
  • Improved workflow

Accomplishing this without purchasing a new system and with 100% of all your data.

Start your Redesign Pilot today!  Find out more at Redesign GP  or email our experienced consultants at [email protected]